Forex Trading

Mutual Funds: Data Definitions: Ratings and Risk

Accordingly, a fund with a 1.10 beta has performed 10% better than its benchmark index--after deducting the T-bill rate--than the index in up markets and 10% worse in down markets, assuming all other factors remain constant. Conversely, a beta of 0.85 indicates that the fund has performed 15% worse than the index in up markets and 15% better in down markets. A low beta does not imply that the fund has a low level of volatility, though; rather, a low …

What are strong and weak bonds?

Covalent bonds are the strongest bonds in nature and under normal biological conditions have to be broken with the help of enzymes. This is due to the even sharing of electrons between the bonded atoms and as with anything equally shared there is no conflict to weaken the arrangement. Intramolecular covalent bonds, being around 98 percent stronger than intermolecular bonds, are the hardest to break and are very stable. When a bond is strong, there is a higher bond energy because …